Shannon Halberstadt is a junior at Redwood and has been surfing since she could first walk. She learned on a longboard with her dad, Chris Halberstadt, who began surfing in college. Ever since she caught her first wave in Florida, her passion for surfing has only grown. Shannon switched to a shortboard during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic when she had more free time. She fell in love with the way short boarding allowed her to cut through the water with sharpness and speed and ride bigger, more powerful waves. Shannon and her friend, junior Georgia Harlow, have a tradition of surfing at Cronkite Beach every Friday before school. Even though it can be a challenge to get out of bed that early, Shannon feels that the stress relief and joy that comes with a morning surf session is worth it. 

“I think it's really special to surf when the sun is either going down or up because it's so gorgeous on the water. Even if it’s at five in the morning, we see the sunrise, and it's such a therapeutic feeling,” Shannon said.